Sunday, May 31, 2009

Watch You Tube Videos in High Definition Format

Have you ever tried to watch your favourite videos in High Definition format in the Youtube site.If not means try here after by using this simple trick

When ever you start to watch a video just add &fmt=18 to the URL of the Video inorder to make it a High Definition Video.Those characters "&fmt=18" make You tube recognize that you are requesting to play the video in a High Definition format.

Thats all you can Enjoy watchin any videos in High Definition format in Youtube.

for Ex: this is the URL of the video you are going to watch meand
just add &fmt=18 at the last in the addressbar of the URL like this

Resume Your Download using Utorrent or Bittorrent Even After Formatting OS

On many occasions we might have been frustrated because of formatting our OS due to some problem or a sudden crash in our system and at the same time we might be downloading tons of important files in that case we cant resume from where we left.In some other cases our system files might be corrupt so that we cant proceed further of our downloadings in Bittorrent or Utorrent.

Now for all that problems here is a solutin that will help every one.


Before formatting your Os just copy the files in the Following folder and take a Backup or do this when ever you close a session in your Pc so that it can be highly usefull.

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\BitTorrent
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\utorrent

Incase if you had installed you Os in 'C' drive.
After Installing the Os, copy down the Backup files that you have made before formatting the Pc and put these files in the Original section or the Application path that i have mentioned.Now check your Downloading it will start from where it left it will be good to see that your files started to download from where it left.

Display Your Name in Task Bar

If you want your TaskBar to display your name ,then just follow this trick

Go to:

Clcik on Start -> Choose Control Panel -> Choose Regional and Language Options -> Choose Customize (beside English US) ->
Go to Time tab -> Choose Edit the AM symbol and PM symbol from AM and PM to include your name -> Choose Apply -> Choose OK

For example: If your name is “Mark”, set AM Symbol to “AM Mark” and PM Symbol to “PM Mark”.

Now, your name will be displayed in your Windows Taskbar, right after the time at the right side of the Task Bar.Its a cool trick to play with your Friends

Track My Pc

You can always track your Pc and can know what are the things that have be done on your absence,

This is a small trick which shows who operated your pc at what time and what did he did & how much long he has been using ur pc.
You can find all those information here.

First you should goto :
Click on
start-- >Then choose run-- >Now Type eventvwr.msc

Events are stored in three log files: Application, Security, and System. These logs can be reviewed and archived here only all the information of your PC in stored.
For our purposes we want the System log to be analysed. Click on "System" in the left-hand column for a list of events that is displaying.

Look for a date and time when you were not in home and your computer should have been off there you can check for the details of what has been going on in the PC.

Double click on the eg: info and it will show u the detail.

You can also use this log to see how long someone was on the computer. Just look at the time the computer was turned on and off for that day.

How to Lock Your Drives without using any Software

Have you ever thinked of hiding a particular drive of imporant datas from others or eant to make it as a private one in thar case you can use this simple trick. If you want to hide any of your drives or all the drives in your PC from others or want to change your friends System's setting to make him think that his system is seriously damaged
then just just follow this mechanism. First Go to Start then click on it ,then type Run hit enter,then type gpedit.msc then hit Enter
The group policy editor will open.
Go to the following node: Navigate to the following Node
User Configuration,Administrative Templates,Windows Components,Windows Explorer
Now go to the right side of that explored window and double click the value mentioned
“Hide these specified drives in My Computer”
select Enable and
select the drives from the drop down menu.
Thats all ,your Friends PC's the selected drive is Locked or you can do it to your PC to hide Pesonal Data.
This Trick will make your friends think that their Hard Disk has been damaged if you made it to your Friends PC.You can play pranks with your friends Pc and make them beg at you to repair this problem

A Hidden Movie in windows XP "STARWARS"

Its a hard work done by Simon and Mike its a 20th Century Text its a nice Video must watch.The major point is the whole movie is created based on tje text in the Keyboard characters.All the basic keys are used to create the movie.Its a must watch one i am sure that you wont regret it.It will also make you think in a new dimension of 2D Animation.To do this you must have the Internet Connection thats all
Now click Start button click on it

->Go to Start- choose Run
->Then type this following words exactly to see the movie created in CMD propmt.

telnet thats all you are ready to watch 20th Century Text