Sunday, June 14, 2009

Change you Drive Background

This is how you can make any drive in your computer look after attempting this tutorial.
To do this ,follow these steps
1) Create a Text File anywhere on your computer
2) Open it via NotePad
3) Select "save as" from the File menu
4) Give it the name "Desktop.ini" (without quotes) and save it in the location of your choice
5) Open Desktop.ini via NotePad/Wordpad
6) Copy-Paste the following code :


7) Replace "H:\Pictures\selfpic.jpg" with the path of the Image you want to display as the Drive background.
8) Save the File
9) Cut-Paste Desktop.ini to the Root of the Drive of which you want the background to be Changed.
10 ) Select the file and check it's properties.
11) In the properties Window check "Hidden"
12) press "ok"
13) Refresh the screen and the drive must have aquired the selected Image as background